Seagulls on a black sea

While out photographing white tail eagles last weekend together with my friend Jon, we had some time in between the eagles. Our guide, Ole-Martin from Norway Nature, is also an experienced photographer, and he suggested that we took some photos of seagulls on a black sea.


I was curious to see how we could do this, as most of the photos I had taken so far did not get the black sea I was looking for.

However, Ole Martin knew the perfect spot and soon we had the seagulls taking off and landing near the boat, making it possible to get that velvet-like black feel and with great reflections.

Reflections and bow wave

Also, as they landed, the seagulls got great bow waves that caught the light and made them stand out.

Reflections and bow wave 2
Reflections and bow wave 3

The take-offs also made for great photos



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