Lego day at work (again)

This weekend we had a lego day at work. Just as with last year’s event, the company brought in tons of lego for kids to play and build with.

Help me, I'm drowning
Help me, I’m drowning

In addition to the large amounts of regular lego, we also got to play around with Mindstorm robots. One of the competitions was to see how close you could get to a lego man without toppling him.

Who can get closest
Who can get the closest

Another challenge involved a lot of programming to get the robot to complete a series of tasks.

Programming Mindstorm robots
Programming Mindstorm robots

As usual, the creativity displayed by the kids was mind-blowing.

Checking the plane before flight
Checking the plane before flight
Growing city
Growing city
Lots of action
Lots of action




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