It has been a while, I know… And it is not because I have lost interest, far from it. Things have been really hectic at work, so there has been little time for blogging. However I hope that I will get back to more regular blogging during the summer 🙂
Over the past years, I have worked hard to master the technical aspects of photography. However, I know that I still have a lot to learn about seeing and about photography as a creative process. So when I got the chance to learn more about the creative process, I grabbed the opportunity.
Creativity is hard work, and one of the afternoons was spent in a small stream close by where we were to explore the possibilities of flowing water.
I came home with hundreds of photos of flowing water…

I started to sort through them, and found some that I could use:

However, I didn’t really feel that it had the “it” quality I was looking for. So I kept looking:

This one looked a bit better, but still I felt I was not quite where I wanted to be. So I tried to open it in Photoshop instead where I converted it to duotone and then inverted it. And there, suddenly I saw it…

Can you see it?
Another topic for the workshop was “Mud”. I will write more on that in a later post.